Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

[Serious] if rape victims can never heal and their life is ruined, maybe should they just rope? but life gets better!!!

why is it that society teaches us that rape victims are ruined for life and never heal and forever live in misery and horror 24/7 and never experience any joy again, but then if a rape victim threatens to rope (i think only 30% of rape victims contemplate suicide), they say "don't rope it always gets better"?

like wtf. this is hypocrisy. if being raped is really worse than death, and thus death is preferable, aren't you implying rape victims should rope, but then society teaches them don't rope because it gets better?

so, if the rape victim doesn't plan to rope, they're ruined for life? but if they plan on roping, it gets better?

@JosefMengelecel thoughts?



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