Abaddon64 #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

Racist British man berates Polish man for drinking on the train r/PublicFreakout

The funniest thing about this is, that white people (as in native Europeans) only have the balls to be like this against white European immigrants, I've literally seen it in person.

They would never say such things to a non white, only to a white immigrant

Eastern Europeans are the target of all anti-immigrant abuse in the UK because they’re too scared to say it to a non-white

Muslim/paki rape-gangs are almost in every british town and city, London is like 45% British, and this guy's biggest problem is this Pole drinking a beer in the metro, talk about skewed priorities lol

The death-cry of a dying nation.

The Brits, no matter how loud they bark, are culturally submissive and let others walk all over them if they use enough force. No one dares to stand up to pakis or their rape gangs because they're a protected class who are untouchable by the police. Get enough violent incidents and terror attacks and even the government knows to leave you alone in case you sperg out and kill a group of people again.

Eastern Europeans on the other hand are quiet, hard-working, inoffensive, and generally just want to work and keep to themselves. They haven't asserted themselves as masters over the Brits like some others have so they're socially acceptable to pick on.

I've literally experienced it myself, it's so surreal that it's funny again. I was sitting in the metro minding my own business, and this drunk old German guy goes off on me about how I should "go back to where I came from".

I'm a regular South-European looking guy.

The majority of people in the same wagon are women with headscarves, Arabs, and black people. And this guy's picks me out lmao

Also seen it happen (in Germany) to Poles, but they were literally born in Germany and speak it perfectly to boot, still baffles me.



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