Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #fundie

It’s been a crazy year since my world changed on a rainy spring day in 2023, after I casually commented on the local news, saying, “Drag queens in school are wrong. It’s like they are trying to sexualize and desensitize our children. Is the Canadian government grooming children?”.

Then my usually non-reactionary, gentle, loving, autist, adult son couldn’t hold back and blurted out “It’s helping kids that might be LBGT know it’s okay to be themselves! And I should know, because… I Am Trans!” I was dumbfounded! I think I replied, “No you’re not!” But it’s kind of a blur.


He created a fairy tale in his mind that if only we could see how happy he has become with transition we would go along with the lie and affirm. Just like his sisters did two years ago, when he first came to this ridiculous conclusion about himself. [After being isolated in his room for over a year, when he should be away at college and experiencing his real sexual awakening!] His news totally sabotaged my summer and sent me spiraling.


This is when I also first discovered that he doesn’t believe in God, or any creator, and feels he can be his own god, and design himself, in his own imagination! And his sisters agree with this blasphemy! Sure, we didn’t go to church, but I always told them that we have (some kind of) a divine creator. At first, I felt like I failed as a mother. I had allowed my children to be captured by a cult!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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