Mack Major #fundie #mammon

How was everyone's 4th of July holiday? Hope you didn't eat too much! I've been busy working on and pounding out THREE brand new books.

People ask me why do I write so many ebooks? My answer is always the same: What if I died today - all of the books I could've written would die with me. I wouldn't want that to happen, so when the idea or mood to create a new book strikes, I submit to the urge and let the book come forth.

I refuse to die with my work left undone.

Right now I'm working on the ebooks Woke, Voodoo and The 5th Angel - The Statue of Liberty and Satan's Hidden Hand. These ebooks will all be out this month. And I believe they will be a massive blessing in your life.

However, we still don't have the Eden Decoded website up. Due to the fact it took so long to raise what was needed on time to get it back online, we lost ALL of our old files. The web hosting company deletes the files after a certain time period. Which basically means now we have to rebuild an entire website from scratch, which is a massive headache and unnecessary expense.

This has happened at least TEN TIMES over the past year! And it typically happens because people ignore my requests for help, thinking someone else will always give. Only problem with that way of thinking is that too many people think the same way! So very little ends up coming in to help at all.

Since people don't like to just give without expecting something in return, I've been offering the 5th Angel ebook as a special product this week only for those who bless our efforts with a twenty dollar (or more) contribution. Many have responded. However, we need much more.

Let's get the Eden site back up. The sooner I can get the site up the sooner I can get these new ebooks out and into your hands (as well as more impactful articles). I placed a link in the comment section below for you to use. Please take a second to stop what you're doing, make use of it right now and do the very best you can today. And remember: if YOU don't act, NO ONE probably will.

I pray you have a productive remaining work week. I also pray that God puts a fire beneath you that causes everyone reading this to become a giver today. There are blessings God has that can only come into your life through being a giver.

Tap into those special blessings today!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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