Subhumans are useless if not our greatest enemies if they aren't black pilled and still living in la-la land, as they do women's and Chad's bidding. Bluepilled sub6 men are the ones attacking the blackpill to protect the privileged groups in society. They are the ones going around doxxing our people, writing articles about us, sacrificing themselves for sub3 landwhales and empowering the governments to make women even more privileged and take our freedoms away, while Chad is slaying their wives and oneitises. Subhumans also waste tons of resources the earth is running out of, so that's another great reason to bully them into being low energy and consuming less. You should go out of your way to be mean to all sub 6 men and insult them for their looks unless they show signs of being blackpilled. It will probably bring them closer to suicide or to the truth(blackpill). So it is a win-win.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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