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[It's Over] Lookspill and the curious case of Durovs.


According to most normalfags Pavel Durov is the actual founder of Telegram. He has everything, literally a Billionaire Good Looking and Fit CEO with literally half a million Instagram followers. But he has a degree in "Philology" which is the study of languages. So you must be wondering then how was he able to built such groundbreaking application and establish his multi billion dollar empire? Enter Nikolai Durov. He is Pavel's elder brother.

Nikolai Durov participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad, winning a gold medal in each of the three contests he took part in. He won one gold and three silver medals in the International Olympiad in Informatics. He was a member of Saint-Petersburg State University ACM team, which won the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest in 2000 and 2001. He continued his mathematical education at the University of Bonn and obtained PhD under supervision of Gerd Faltings entitled "A new approach to Arakelov geometry".


He looks like your average balding math nerd. And guess what's even more crazier? Pavel has a net worth of 3.8 billion dollars meanwhile older nerd Nikolai's net worth is about 260 million $. Good looking face, charismatic NT personality and a nerd highIQ brother earned him roughly 3.5 billion dollars more than his brother. LOOKSPILL is undeniable.

They are brothers...

I bet Pavel fucked slavic Stacies while Nikolai was busy reading Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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