Heartless Queer Couple Steal Cancer Sufferer’s Savings
Oh those lovable “gay” people, aren’t they just so delightful – in their own opinion? Always primping and posing expecting admiration when the fact is they’re really thoroughly selfish and disgusting. Wait for them to find a way of blaming this on homophobia!
A perfect illustration of the double standard where only the dominant group is afforded the privilege of being judged as flawed individuals, whereas marginalised groups are not only set up to fail against impossible demands of being perfect pure angels, but are also held collectively responsible for any bad thing done by anyone belonging to the demographic.
Ok, I actually did look at the site for some context…and he’s literally pretty much just saying “look at this gay couple who did some bad stuff, so gays are bad!” If the story is to be believed, this couple stole some old guy’s life savings and used the money to party and live it up. OK, yeah sure, gay people are capable of some doing some evil reprehensible shit. Well, I got news for you: Since you’re apparently not aware of uh…everything that has happened ever….heterosexual people seem to be just as capable of being evil fuckers! Why, in fact…it’s almost like people are just people, hence, some are good and some are bad, no matter what their sexual orientation is.
…Wow, it’s almost like gay people are just that, people. People like everybody else, neither more virtuous nor more sinful.
Besides, should we point out how many straight people have commited crimes?
Two gays are bad’uns, that means all gays are bad’uns. Two Christains rip off people’s savings, they’re not really Christains, is that it?
How useful…
If any of Them does anything bad, what did you expect? That’s what They are like , dontchaknow?
If any of Us do anything bad, that reveals we’ve had at least one of Them walking among Us, posing as Us! But now the truth is out!!
Wait til OP hears about the assholes in DOGE,the assholes calling themselves Christian who hurt others, commit fraud, etc
I guess that there’s plenty straight couples who stole from weaker people (for exemple Donald Trump, who stole from a child cancer charity), so unless you manage to prove that sexual preference is related to honesty, that Aaron Ryan and Nathan Roberts stole from Doreen Kelday because they were gay, your point don’t stands.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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