zylyftar & teothealbanian #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho #racist reddit.com

RE: Ancient DNA from bronze age Tollense valley battle site (13 century BC) and it's similarity to modern populations.


What a ridiculous thread.

Are you suggesting now that those people fighting on 1200 BC in todays north eastern Germany were slavs or similar to slavs when slavs were living in Urals and emerged in history books 1,800 years later???

First of all there is not a single evidence to prove the genetic proximity that is suggested in this map.

Secondly, (let's say the map is true) if some of those remains are similar to people in today's western Poland is because slavs and poles in this case have assimilated native people in this region when they came in the west since some of these ancient people might have come in the battle site from the east


Amazing how East Germany has such a high precentage. Really shows the genetical influence of the assimilated Slavic tribes

It shows the massive Soviet rape actually


While it certainly had a noticeable effect, to say that this is the main reason is inane.

It is the main reason. Reality is not pleasant I know

Never have I seen someone harp on about reality while being so devoid of the same.

Germany since the Middle Ages germanized Slavs. There is no reasoning with you, because you are dead set in portraying Slavs as being the epitome of “barbarity”, the only reason why you still focus on the Rape of Germany.

Yeah yeah sure. Try finding medieval and ancient reasons when the reason is the clearly known massive rapes during the occupation. Today Germans are an mix of Soviets, French, British and American occupation soldiers. Medieval assimilation can have have as much impact as massive events of ww2

I’m not calling Slavs barbarians for what they did to Germans. It was a well deserved sweet revenge as much as 1999 and 2004



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