The Principle of Diminishing Solar Abundances or the Solar Abundance Principle of Stellar Evolution
Jeffrey J. Wolynski [Address removed]
Abstract: A simple principle of stellar evolution/planet formation is presented in light of the general theory of stellar metamorphosis.
According to stellar metamorphosis stars cool and die to become rocky differentiated worlds many billions of years into their evolution, and they are called exoplanets/planets. This means the abundances of lighter elements diminishes considerably as the star evolves, leaving the heavy elements and the elements which have combined into stable heavier molecules behind. This principle can be applied to all stars, even the evolved ones mislabeled “exoplanet/planet”. The oldest stars will have very little helium and the majority of the hydrogen will have combined into stable molecules or evaporated into interstellar space. This can also be used to determine how old a star is. The more hydrogen/helium the star has, opposed to other heavier elements, the younger it is.
“As stars evolve into rocky differentiated worlds, the ratio of lighter elements to heavy elements diminishes considerably.”
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