metabuxx #sexist
[RageFuel] I told my sister about the dogpill
My sister was showing my parents pictures from the camping trip she took last week with her friends and there were NO pictures in which there wasn't a dog. Some of her friends had brought their dogs along and they were all hugging and kissing those brutes in those pictures. It was so fucking infuriating. I felt like ripping my face off.
When my parents were gone I couldn't hold it in any longer so I told her all about the dogpill. I showed her the gif in which a Stacy was sucking a dog's tongue. I told her that all female dog owners have sex with their pets when they are unable to find a Chad. I even showed her the blog written by a woman in which she was teaching other women how to fuck dogs.
And her reaction was like "What the hell is wrong with you?". To the gif she replied "Every dog owner kisses their dogs" and for the blog she said "Must be a troll pretending to be a woman". She was acting grossed out and told me to stay off the internet for a long time.
Typical female dismissive mentality, the moment a man comes close to discerning a woman's nature they start getting defensive. Then the shaming tactics comes in which they blame us for watching gross stuff rather than accepting the fact that they are ones doing it.
I wanted to show her bestality videos which had the potential to destroy each one of her lame arguments but I didn't want to take it that far so I backed off.