Wristlet 2 #dunning-kruger #quack incels.is
[Serious] Psychology as a uni degree is fucking stupid, since psychology can't be taught like that. Incels know more about suffering than any therapist.
People insists on making everything about credentials, diagnosis, college degrees... You mention you or somebody you know has mental issues, and the first thing normies ask is "is it diagnosed?", you mention a psychological concept that you've observed or learned, and they'll ask "where did you read that?" or may say "well a psychologist may know best" or something like that. You come up with a scientific law over endless consistent observations of the same pattern in several different contexts (the blackpill), and to normies it's not real science, because we're not sciencists, even though actual psychologists and psychiatrists are bluepilled and clueless as fuck.
To society, this doesn't matter. They make everything about official certifications, degrees, diagnoses etc. This may seem like a good thing, or something civilized to do, but actually, it's in line with a tribal instinct that's as old as time. What those credentials in general boil down to is social recognition, and the fact that people cares more about social recognition than the truth. In fact, to them, social consensus literally defines the truth.
This makes sense in the case of, for example, a doctor or a chemist. If they have a degree it means they've studied a lot of stuff on the field so it makes sense to trust them. However, in the case of psychology it's just retarded.
My therapist is clueless tbh. I go to her because it's free and to vent, but 3 sessions in, I can already tell there's no way this woman will be able to help me out. She's way in over her head, and I know a lot more than her tbh. Only way this person may be helpful is if you're a full normie and have never dealt with any adversity (or did suffer but didn't learn anything) and are completely unprepared, then sure, a therapist's knowledge may be a godsend.
Literally reading Elliot Rodger's manifesto is better therapy than any therapist for any incel. Or this forum. And this is because the idea of psychology as a college degree, aka teaching a bunch of beckys and stacys who live in tutorial mode about psychological concepts, people's feelings, how to help those who suffer, is just impossible, or at least the way they do it in college (memorization) is just wrong. It's just absurd tbh. You can't teach this stuff, only people who actually suffers knows what it's like. For example, even if the blackpill was socially recognized as true, chads and stacys could superficially learn it, as in memorize the concept, but they'd never know the true meaning of "brutal" or "suifuel" as they've never felt it, nor would they never truly understand what the blackpill is about or its implications. This is why therapy is bullshit.
Only way therapy for incels would work is if we were assigned an older or higher IQ incel as some sort of coach, or an ascended but blackpilled incel. And of course free whores. That'd be proper therapy. Not some becky who is way in over her head as she has no idea what suffering is like, and in fact any high IQ incel knows more than her just by virtue of his experience.