Belt_Around_Ur_Neck #conspiracy

Theory: Major Factions of TPTB have been at war for the past few years and that’s why we’re seeing so much come to light, spiritual awakenings, glitches in the matrix, etc.

Say what you will about the current USA prez, but my theory is that he (wittingly or unwittingly) was the catalyst for one faction of TPTB to try and wrest control from the other. Most of us believe this group runs the world through manipulation, disgusting blackmail scams, central banks, cruelty, and possibly worship of evil spirits. But why is it assumed these bastards always march in lockstep? These are the most depraved sociopaths on the planet. There has to be infighting, backstabbing, and scheming.

I’ve seen a lot of posts recently regarding spiritual awakenings, noticing that the “system” of infotainment and fake news propaganda is getting stale and repetitive as fuck lately. We have posts where the elite’s occult symbolism is dead smack in your face. Their sex predators are getting exposed and the deaths surrounding same (Epstein, that Kevin Spacey accuser) are such blatantly obvious cover-ups it’s ridiculous.

So my theory is that the last prez election in the US gave one faction an opening to try and take down the other, and the two sides have been furiously at war ever since. They likely follow a certain code or set of rules for this sort of thing so it all doesn’t collapse, but it seems like they as a group have gotten sloppy as fuck lately, and they seem to be losing their discipline.

And to those who believe that the elite are controlled/assisted by evil spirits, that we live in the Matrix or other type of soul trap, doesn’t it seem like the “glitches” are getting more frequent and obvious? Like the idea that the material universe as an elaborate sham seems more readily apparent?




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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