Racial Consciousness / @Nature_and_Race #wingnut #racist gab.com

On National Socialism

(Maxed out the character limit, still incomplete)


National Socialism, first and foremost, above all else, is a philosophy.

Not an economic system.

A philosophy predicated on a foundation of Nature: Understanding natural laws and natural order, and applying those laws and order to human society and civilization.

It's a philosophy that recognizes the fundamental and uttermost vital importance of the racial component of the human condition: Seeing race as the very origin of all human culture, and that pure culture can only come from pure race. To mix race is to corrupt pure culture.


The economy was the very last point of concern in the NS philosophy. NS Germany didn't even have a formally defined economic system. They just figured it out as they went along (and it worked miracles, seeing as Germany was pulled out of the catastrophe of the Versailles Treaty, and thrust into first-world superpower within about four years).

The Reichsmark, the German currency, was backed by labor, rather than gold or oil. It was revolutionary in its novelty. After WWI and the Versailles Treaty, Germany was completely bankrupt. Inflation was so bad it literally cost something like 17-trillion dollars just to buy a carton of eggs, a gallon of milk, and a loaf of bread. No exaggeration. So when Hitler took power, he started completely over from scratch, creating an entirely new currency.


Beyond that, their economy was based on agriculture and industry, like most first-world countries. Farms and factories were almost exclusively privately owned, and laws were put in place to ensure that they remained privately owned. As were all small shops, from grocery stores to clothing stores to furniture stores, as well as every type of repair shop of the age.


NS Germany had virtually no welfare system to speak of. Most of the welfare provided to the poor and the disabled was generated through public fundraising events like the Winterhilfswerk (WHW) program. Hitler's most memorable public statement on the subject was "German people, help yourselves!" And it was insanely successful (I even have a bunch of little trinkets from the WHW (pins, buttons, ribbons, keychain booklets, etc.)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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