Leah James #transphobia youtube.com

RE: Transgender ideology: awful argument 17 Being trans isn't a choice..?

It's not a choice, yet gender is also fluid, some people's pronouns change over time, yet there's no wrong or right way to be trans, people know their "gender identity" from the age of 4, yet some don't realize it until they're 54, and on and on and on. There are so many loopholes in gender ideology, how do people take it seriously...Gender ideology is the new sexism and misogyny. I thought society wanted to get away from gender norms??? I thought we didn't want to live in the 50's🤔So many things I have heard men say that is sexism and misogyny, bit they can get away with it if they're "trans" or an "ally". Sexism in plain sight. How women don't see this, is beyond me...



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