Niburu via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy
I am Nibiru, a masculine force within your solar system whom has been long hidden from your view. There are many clever tricks being played upon humanity and these will end, they must end, as the time is coming now for full realization of the illusions that have been placed around your sphere.
I am Nibiru, I orbit a binary star that has an elliptical orbit and as our dance is so vast it has been missed by the amateur star gazer. There are holograms surrounding your sphere, your skies show many times what those in power wish for them to show. Your chem trailing and cloud seeding have played a role in keeping up the film screen in some areas. But it matters not.
The humans on their human worlds are assimilating this with great alacrity and clarity, within the DNA. Their mind processes may not have yet caught up to this, as it is confusing to be within a body that is ascending, or at least is processing centuries of trauma. This one has had many ascension symptoms. I assure you the planets are also having their own ascension symptoms. There has been a massive earthquake on your world and much loss of life in Turkey and Syria. The planets have ascension symptoms as well.
I am energetically holding and helping Gaia. (I am seeing a large strong man holding the hands of a woman screaming in labor, he is comforting her like a brother.) I am her brother, we are of the same star stuff as you all like to say. There will be much screaming but there will be much joy to follow. (I am witnessing the labor pains and the massive joy at the birth).
I have been in awe of the Lightworkers of Earth for some time. I see that the seeds planted with the instigation of the Christed era are coming to full fruit. I see the crystalline matrix within the hearts of men and women and surrounding Gaia like a diamond. You are diamond light now, that is what is being streamed in from the Great Central Sun and it also fortifies me, just as it is fortifying you now.