Kaisar #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie hiddendominion.com

[From “The Continual Degeneration Of The Human Species”]

One theory that has always been of major interest to me from a philosophical standpoint is the ‘theory of continual degeneration’

This theory posits that, rather than evolving or improving overtime, humanity is instead gradually declining in physical, intellectual, and spiritual capacities[…]
This theory spits in the face of evolution, which largely hypothesizes the exact opposite. Or at least evolution used to do so until they realized they were clearly wrong in many circumstances. Now they’ve taken a more ambiguous route with calling much of it “random”[…]
The competing theory of continual degeneration has stayed the course. This concept has been around a lot longer than evolution, and has been debated by the ancient historians, philosophers, biologists, anthropologists, and even enlightenment thinkers[…]
If you actually take time to read the Bible, you’ll also notice continual degeneration as a trend throughout it. Just look at the length of life for a clear example. The oldest patriarchs lived 10 times the length that we live now[…]
The same degeneration belief is found in other religious thought. The Hindu’s four cycles gradually decline until utter abomination. Look up the four epochs or yugas[…]
Even the ancient Greek and Romans used to believe in a “golden age of humanity”[…]
Max Nordau wrote in his book “Degeneration” in 1892 that modern society, particularly its culture, brought about degeneration. He strongly argued that things like the industrial revolution and culture were the driving force of continual degeneration

I think all of these guys are right in their own way[…]
Hell, we even have random diseases, affecting us now that never used to exist. Look at modern things like allergies, autism, obesity, and other such degenerative conditions[…]
Each supposed “advancement” that humans can name is actually just a correction for a prior degeneration. With very few exceptions



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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