Grown men should not be having sex with prostitutes unless they are married to them.
Push all the sex related quotes in one giant pile and try and make one coherent rule from them.
Humans should not have sex. Unless they are doing to get children, but people surely aren't allowed to enjoy it.
Welcome to the 1800's
@Prager, no he isn't. He is just saying that you can only have sex with a prostitute if you are married to them, younger than 21 or a woman.
[method act, accent=Australian] Does this count lionesses? [/method act]
No, really, Jerry Falwell condoning prostitution? Admittedly, he wants to neuter it, (har), but this is kinda out of character, I think.
I see. So while a grown man can only have sex with his wife, it's somehow OK for a grown, married woman to have sex with multiple individuals in exchange for cash and / or other consideration?
Pray tell. What are you smoking?
"Grown men should not be having sex with prostitutes unless they are married to them."
What if a grown man wants to have sex with a MALE prostitute? (insert Ted Haggard meth-dealing-male-prostitute scandal here) Remember, us gays can't get married, thanks, in part, of people like your late not-so-great self, in most states.
So who are the prostitutes supposed to service then? Teenagers?
You miss the whole point of wanting to do it with a prostitute. No strings attached sex, and a guaranteed score. It's something I have done with many a prozzie in my time, I freely admit. I wasn't married to them (or anyone else) at the time, and I probably never even knew their real names. Some of them were even a bloody good lay, I must confess.
And the harm in all of that was what, exactly?
Just an interesting fact: in some cultures, prostitution involves "temporary marriage".
But also, this appears to hastily promote the lie that all women are prostitutes, a typical "slut shaming" attitude. The bigot appears unable to justify their "order": there can be safe sex with a sex worker and unless it is actually an exploited sex slave, it may not be harmful to anyone. It could also potentially be safer for a marriage, depending on the couple's situation and their mutual agreements.
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