In response to you saying human evolution is "beyond proven", here is why it's not. The history of so called Prehuman skulls is riddled with fraud. Sure, you see all these ancient skulls lined up before you, but what they don't tell you is sickening. Because many are modeled from a very small piece, some even a single tooth or jaw. Why is the fossil record full of all kinds of reptiles and animals but the number of human skulls is scant? Did you know from 1912 to 1949 the best example of a prehuman skull was called piltdown man, in 1949 the found it was a complete fraud. There are others. Today they marvel over Lucy, a 3' tall ape, yet like all their supposed examples they put faces to tell the story they want you to believe. Lucy was nothing more than a 3' tall ape. Do your own research, including what they are steering you away from, saving knowledge in Jesus Christ. It's your eternity, and it is truth you will find for those you love.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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