Mira via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick voyages-of-light.com

Hello dear friends, this is Mira, working full time for the Earth Ascension project, here with several of my team members. We wish for you to know that you are well watched over, and that all is rapidly proceeding according to divine order and plan. We are not privy to the entire plan of the Divine, and we are unable to display any dates for you, but we can say that dating and timing is in flux as you are ascending more rapidly than was previously anticipated. You are holding the light codes with more aplomb than your bodies were previously able to handle, and you are radiating more and more light out towards us, towards the cosmos and other aspects of your great selves.


I Mira am speaking to you. I love you. I have great tenderness in my heart for this project and many of you are my friends and family from days – lifetimes – gone past. We do not age within the time field of no time and I have known your soul’s for millinea, many of you. I come forward this night at the request of this one, to offer encouragement and a news update as best as I can. There is much that of course I cannot share but much that I can and what I see as the biggest change since my last debriefing with you, friends, is the climate of energetics that you are radiating. We see more light from the earth emanating from you to us, and we see more light holders holding more and beaming more confidently. The ascension will happen whether every one is ready for it or not and it will happen regardless of who is in charge on any political scenes below, do you see? This cannot be stopped. The light, the planets, the very astrology of the cosmos is conspiring for the will of Creator to be put in place. There is much that has shifted and improved from our perspective. The underground bases are much more cleaned out and only a few tunnels remain, but we have technology that others do not and this technology we lovingly utilize to minimize any harm and to maximize the outcome of success.

I believe you will be excited to see the progress from our side of the screen. Won’t you join us tonight? Your Pleiadian family is here for you, as are your other many space family lineages. You are never alone, far from it. You are highly watched over. Another item that has condensed is your timeframe of manifestation. It is more instant now, so be careful what you wish for, and be open for miracles for they are on their way. We can see great changes and joys ahead for humanity. I Mira send you my love. We are tirelessly working night and day for your successful ascension project completion. Blessings. Over and out.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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