Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy
( Congressman Paul Gosar )
The America First Movement protects our children.
No more mutilations.
No more grooming.
No more killing babies.
( @wafflepanzer )
@DrPaulGosar Is that true? With Feuntes being all about that underage homosexual life? Seems wrong. Also isn't being against those things anti semitic? Doesn't that anger your israeli overlords, Gosar? You're a fucking fraud. Know how I know this? Any account that criticizes israel, jews, or your slimy relationship with them is immediately blocked by you.
You're garbage Gosar and being a shabos won't save you from anyone, least of all the people you pretend you support.
( @Handyman123 )
@DrPaulGosar Every problem in the world leads to the Jewish IMF and the Federal Reserve Bank. ALL problems in society are not coincidental, they are manufactured by the Jewish control. Follow the money and you'll see. Debt is slavery. America is not run by true American patriots. America is run by the Khazarian Jewish Bank Mafia. Abolish the illegal Federal Reserve and the IMF and you will cut the head of the snake. No power to print money equals no funding for Child Trafficking, Wars, Media, CIA, FBI, IRS, CDC, WHO, WEF, Teachers Unions, NSA, Pharma, DOD, BLM, ANTIFA, DOJ, Supreme Court and Hollywood. Plain and simple. President Kennedy, The Fed And Executive Order 11110
( @John_Doe_88 )
@DrPaulGosar How about, No more getting raped, beaten and murdered by out of control niggers all across America.
( @jlozinsk )
@DrPaulGosar vaccines cause autism and miocarditis ALL VACCINES ARE BAD FOR Humans since they started cheating and no longer use killed vaccines