Edmund_Kemper #transphobia incels.is

[JFL] Tranny on another forum threatens to murder me and says I should be executed in public

typed by skide

“this fag says "iT's NoNe oF yOuR BuSiNeSs wHaT BaThRoOm tHeY uSe" yes it is.”

No, it is not. You’ve not given me any counter-arguments besides “it makes people uncomfortable” about which I do not give a single tiniest sliver of a fuck. Lemme properly rephrase myself for you: Your buisness, you piece of fucking mental shit, is right there about the space your nose reaches out to, not a fucking inch more. You do not get to fucking police others for making you uncomfortable, respond to that, you little shithead.
You gonna try? then try with me, I’m a transgal and you try policing me, I will genuinely fucking brutalize you to the brink of death and I’ll spit on your broken chassis just for good measure. You seem to labour under some delusion of having the brute force on your side when you simply do not. In my case, I do and I will gladly use it against you, if you as much, as talk to me when I’m inside the stall(and yeah, do go on about how I’m obviously a male because I’m a brutal fuck who like bashing in people’s heads from time to time, specially when they deserve it like you all do, none of you are arbiters of my sex an none of you ever will be but do come here up north and try saying any of your typical offensive shit, I can use some lawsuit cash, so just gimme a cause, just gimme a fucking pretext to).

Now, while I have your attention: You fuckers ARE the degeneracy itself. Controlling other sentients is the most degenerate shit you can attempt and you are all about that. Hell, you hate the very concept of freedom to the point of trying to discredit it in as much effort, as your tiny brains can conjure. One uncomfortable truth, you little pieces of fucking degenerate(as we have established) filth: You are few and we, people who actually value our freedoms and our lives to be lived as we wish, we are a fucking LEGION, sure you can shoot some of us at a mall or in the theater but in the end each loss of yours is going to be irreplacable for you, almost no kid in their right mind is going to go for your little cult while we are never going to cave in to your demands, you are nothing more than a handful of terrorists and you will all die like such(if we could only make your executions public). So spin your little plots, your dreams of world domination, because in reality, you are and always will be left powerless. Utterly pathetic and unable to move a single stone that makes up our society. Grow the fuck up and start listening to actual fuckin adults in the room or rope’s your destiny and I just wish all of you did it at the same time, so we could get rid of your cult for good. Now, don’t give me any of your shit about how you just want to live outside of all this. You don’t. All you want for is control over others and your whole misery stems from not having it anymore. Admit it, you bunch of cowardly fucks. You have made my point the moment you contradicted me about the bathroom stuff not being your buisness. You motherfucking degenerate filth literally consider it your buisness to police others and you always had. For this, you deserve death but I’ll gladly settle for the exclusion and scorn you already get from folks.

Get comfy, fuckheads, it ain’t going nowhere.”

wow. A trans foid threatens to beat me up and kill me because of my political opinion on trans bathroom. The reason why I think trans bathroom is bad is NOT because I think it is uncomfortable it’s because men’s rooms and women’s rooms were separated due to the fact that they have different genitals, not different chromosomes or different genders. If they had the same body and genitals, this wouldn’t be necessary. That’s why this trans bathroom thing is controversial you wannabe tough guy. And threatening to violently beat someone to death and then you Tell me to “grow up” when you talk like a insanely butthurt preteen. What’s next? Make all bathrooms for men and women to share together? So a 11 year old girl should share the bathroom with a 40 year old man? I’m sorry but this just isn’t ok. If you had a vagina this wouldn’t be an issue if you could Change your penis into a vagina. And its crazy how you want us publicly executed just for words and sentences we type online.

also, to the retard who claims to have a 30 year old son, no you don’t. You’re just some 20 year old lying about being Middle Aged so you can be seen as wise and mature by others when in reality no middle aged adult spends their time on forums dedicated to mocking other people. If you’re that age, you’re a manchild



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