Marjorie Cole #fundie #magick #quack #conspiracy

The Evil One has always been after our DNA – the codes and sequences of written on the powerful little strands of life that define us as human. It was the humans, Adam and Eve, and us that have been the biggest threat, the most coveted prize and the most hateful point of bitter contention for Lucifer in his attempt to ascend to the throne in his war against God. To this very day, the Devil has NEVER wavered in his efforts to capture creation for himself.

The war for your DNA, your humanity, began when God declared He would put enmity (war) between the seed of the Serpent and the Seed of the Woman (Eve and her children). Satan’s first attempt to alter and annihilate the Seed of the Woman came with the incursion in Genesis 6:1, when 200 of the fallen angels opted out of heaven’s glory to take wives for themselves of the beautiful daughters of men. They wanted to be like men, to be able to create their own offspring, so they took wives for themselves of all they desired.
Our DNA is our sacred link to God and His invitation to be part of His Family. But Satan knew that if he could get us to discard our humanity which is basic to being candidates for salvation, he could separate us from God forever. To this end, the Devil has worked endlessly to get us to believe lies. He has corralled us like a scared bunch of cattle being rounded up for market. Fear has become the chief motivator and force behind almost everything. We are mandated to “stay safe” in the midst of an artificially contrived crisis that has been a diabolical “smoke and mirrors” magic show from the beginning. Why?

The final battle will be over the alteration of OUR DNA! DON’T MISS THIS PART!!! The injection of something, possibly an alien strain of RNA, will be introduced into the bodies of those willing participants that will CHANGE their DNA from human to inhuman. Any change to our DNA that changes us from human to something else DISQUALIFIES us from receiving salvation because we MUST be human to qualify for being saved.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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