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So recently I ended up getting quite a bit of flack from the leftists. Though ironically, the leftists are more willing to go up and harass civic nationalists and call them racist and white supremacists than they are to attempt to even debate or even speak to us. I'm not mad at those who make articles about me, but I'm amused as they're only putting my message out there. Ironically, one of my friends, a former black co-worker who didn't call me racist even though he heard that I was a white separatist, believes that socialism and multiracial societies could work if it were done in love somehow. This ironically is the same mentality as the capitalist whites who are civic nationalists, only they don't agree with socialism.
Though apparently, I confronted one of the commenters who claimed I was an absurd conspiracy theorist and yet didn't even try to back up her claim with any sources. It just goes to show that this abortionist only had ad hominem fallacies and personal attacks with no basis to them. That same person who claimed that I was a conspiracy theorist so happens to be pro-abortion as well. When I confronted her about it, I was harsh and rightfully so and this is how she responded.
"I am not an 'anti-white racist babykiller' as you so rudely put it. I don't just love all races, I embrace all of them because we are all human beings. Whether you are too, however, is debatable, but I can only say that you're an ass through and through. Hell, I even think you're being the racist one yourself. You are also pro-birth for the whites, pro-mandatory abortion for other races. You've just proven yourself you have zero regard for bodily autonomy either way. You're 100% quantity over quality."
This claim about "muh quantity over quality" actually shows how heartless they really are. They are willing to put material comforts above the lives of other human beings. Plus not once did I ever call for mandatory abortions against blacks or any other race, but in fact I stand with many black identitarians who are against abortion because they see this as a means of snuffing them out in the process as well. Plus the pain I have seen on the women's faces when they shared their abortion regret on YouTube whether they were white, Hispanic, Black, or Asian broke my heart. This talk also of "Muh bodily autonomy" is a coomer's/slut's argument in favor of a promiscuous lifestyle because such autonomy is forfeited when two people decide to have sex.
Plus what quality to the abortionists claim to provide the women except an opportunity for greater material gain? It is pretty much the same as going in and murdering someone for their material possessions or even murdering a toddler, child, or teenager because they're costly. Plus the best way out of poverty is the free market which is available for everyone but the only ones supporting the free market in majority are the non-Hispanic whites who are an ever shrinking demographic thanks to immigration, miscegenation, and abortion. Plus the demographic change in California has not been for the better as it is now the most expensive state in the union to live in and services such as garbage disposal and healthcare are in short supply. On top of that, the plague and leprously have returned as a result of California being a sanctuary state.
That was thanks to both legal and illegal immigration but people ignore the damage that legal immigration has done alone most of the time. With the lower birth rates, it has been propagated that we need more immigrants to replace our people but in doing so, our population has grown at a faster rate than if we even did have a stable birth rate and thus a large labor field has left more competition for the jobs and thus people coming in from the third world are more willing to work for lower wages than our native born citizens and thus the supply of workers has driven the wages for everyone down as to 'be fair.' Ironically, in her favorites, she had a stamp that condemned opposition to immigration as 'muh racism' and another stamp that supports legal immigration. So she lied saying that she accepts all people of all races because she's fighting against white people's right to exist. Simultaneously, the argument of quality over quantity of life is clearly thrown out the window as she's supporting the very process that is driving down wages for our working class and favoring only the corporations and the top 1%, hence more proof that their arguments are basically lies.
"You wanna see 'babykillers,' try going back in time to the ancient past where Hebrew boys are slaughtered soon after birth, or newborn baby girls left to die because they 'cannot inherent anything.' It's safe to say that these practices are pretty barbaric back then because we're more civilized today. Back then, though, these actions are two of the many examples of genocide, by the definition itself. You're just no different from what those people have done, regardless if you're civilized or not. If you seriously think that the mass slaughter or genders, races, cultures or ethnicities doesn't count as genocide to you, then I don't know what the hell does (that, and you're obviously not right in the head). No, abortion doesn't even count as genocide because a fetus isn't race, gender, culture or ethnic-specific. You won't even know what it is until it's born (discounting modern medical technology)."
Of course what she goes on here next is an obvious red herring fallacy in trying to divert the conversation. But interestingly enough, the ancient Hebrews, when they did begin to drift from God, did incorporate many of these barbaric practices such as child sacrifice in the worship of Ba'al and Moloch. Plus this same barbarism survives in the descendants of the Hebrews today as sadly up to 80% of Jews favor abortion to be legal in all or most cases. It's ironic how she claims that I'm no different when she's supporting the same practices under a different guise. If I didn't think that the slaughter and mass genocide against other genders, races, cultures, and ethnicities which is why I am against abortion and interestingly enough, this process of abortion isn't just a means of trying to snuff out the white race but the same people are also trying to snuff out the black race to.
Not that this will make any difference among black people for me saying this but Margaret Sanger herself referred to black people as human weeds. Eugenics was then passed off as a means of protecting the white race but that was a lie to. It turns out that Margaret Sanger's husband, who helped to spread the eugenics propaganda was a Jew. The attempt on the black people with eugenics was only the test run because they were able to use it in the mainstream via abortion and it is now mainstream via abortion. The one detail left out in the video in the elimination of blacks was miscegenation because too many conservatives have been too scared to call out this barbaric race mixing process.
Seeing as how this girl denied abortion being genocide, she has no regard for those most at risk of being snuffed out in our own country be that the non-Hispanic whites, the African Americans, the Native Americans, and the Hawaiians. Already the Hawaiians have been made into a minority in their own island and their low status in the population as well as limited financial power have left them as easy prey to the same Zionists who abuse white America like Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg, the same man who advocated for illegal immigration via DACA, also bought land in Hawaii that was not for sale and sued the Hawaiian people for the right to buy the land. This is what we propertarians call another violation of reciprocity and is the equivalent to our national monuments being knocked down.
"Also, if you're really desperate to know why I didn't answer in the past three or so hours, I have a life off the computer, you know. That sort of life I have requires me to wake up at 5 in the morning, go to my workplace in another town which requires the use of the freeway, use the same freeway to go back home, and sometimes take naps to catch up on my sleep. This is one of those times. Apparently, you have not learned the meaning of patience. And you most likely have no life outside the computer because all you ever do anymore is spread lies saying that 'you're the most moral person on the planet next to former President Ganguro' and all you ever care about is being right."
It doesn't matter how much money you make or how long you work if the only thing you're doing it for is money. This just goes to show that the Masonic and Zionist elites want to reduce us to mere consumers and mercenaries. This also goes to show the fallacy of assumption as she's attempting to degrade anyone who calls her out on this. Plus making money isn't the only thing that makes you a good citizen, a good customer, or a good neighbor. Plus when we the people, those who do most of the work and actually produce what keeps our civilization thriving such as families as well as jobs, are told that we are only concerned about being right when we see our civilization, our culture, and our way of life die, then you know how hateful and how racist the abortionists really are.
This same plot in destroying the black race, the white race, the Native Americans, and the Hawaiians is being fueled via the funds from the central banks as they mooch off of the taxpayers of every country on Earth except for North Korea and Iran. With interracial marriage also being on the rise in China, China also has a vastly limited supply of women as there is only one woman for every seven men and thus a terrible demographic winter is upon them which is why the Han government are beginning brutal crackdowns upon every other people group as they fell for the Masonic/Zionist trap via communism and birth control and the evil just doesn't stop there.
This same plot will not just stop with mixing all of us together but the plot of the Masonic lodge involves reducing the population world wide till they are only half a billion and this can be seen on the Georgia Guidestones. The Georgia Guidestones contain the ten codes for the New World Order. This also shows the plot in destroying most of humanity's languages as to unite humanity under one language and even today it is said that if things keep going the way they are going, the German language itself will be extinct. If the first world nations were to collapse today, any aid the third world receives to attempt to help their people will bet cut off and most likely the people in Africa and Latin America, given how heterogenous these countries are will kill each other off and 10 to 1 the devastation from this warfare would expand the Sahara desert until it unites with the Kalahari, thus leaving some of Earth's most beautiful regions today to become nothing but barren wastelands in the future.
Another commandment of this cursed New World Order is for nations to govern their internal affairs but use international governance as a means of solving external affairs which is really just a softer term for imperialism. Does this sound familiar? Sounds pretty much like the UN, the EU, the African Union, and the Union of South American states. Freemason president Harry Truman helped to put together the UN and Freemason Kalargi helped in establishing the European Union as well. It breaks my heart that Africa and Meso-America have followed our bad examples of falling for the Masonic trap.
However, with nationalism, separatism, and populism on the rise world wide, it has the globalists freaked out. Of course Brexit is finally about to happen and anti-EU sentiment has been furthered even more so in Poland with Confederacia on the rise. Poland and Hungary alone are taking down the EU from the inside. On top of that, the Union of South American Nations is practically dead already with only five member states left. Ironically, Peru itself was so based that they got kicked out of the Union of South American nations.
When the Brazilians elected Jair Bolsonaro, they essentially voted for Brazilexit. In March of last year alone, Bolsonaro has essentially withdrawn Brazil from the Union of South American Nations. Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Paraguay left the year before and the only nations left in the Union of South African Nations are essentially the Marxist/leftists ones such as Guyana, Venezuela, Bolivia, Suriname, and Uruguay. Ironically, where these Marxists have ruled, many have become Christian republics where Christ has united people despite different racial and ethnic differences in nations like Brazil, and nationalism has emerged even stronger.
Ironically, a few other countries that were under the thrall ring of communism, some in Europe and one in Africa, today are lands where the majority of the people love and serve God with their hearts and their nations are leading as proud examples of their region. Ghana ended up becoming communist at the time of its independence but today thanks to the influence of Pentecostal and Catholic missionaries, the people there are on fire for Christ, true conservatives, and nationalists as well. Ghana today is also the envy of Africa and will most likely become Sub-Saharan Africa's first developed nation.
Simultaneously, Hungary, which suffered under communism now has a majority Christian population who have elected a godly leader who ironically was once a communist himself. Simultaneously, his wife, who led Orban to the Lord, was once a Jew. Poland as well, have a nationalistic and Christian population which constantly messes up the plans of the EU. Ironically, the lands that stand up against this globalist injustice the most are the lands who's inhabitants are strong Bible believing Christians which shows that Christ ultimately is the leader of the fight for freedom. Abortion and socialism are but symptoms of a greater disease than globalism itself and that disease is godlessness which is why the ultimate form of resistance and defiance is giving one's heart to the Lord and God will guide us to do the rest.
Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.