something i find odd or interesting is that a great deal of furries are autistic.
I'm a digital artist and interact with the furry community often and like 95% are lgbtq+ and or autistic
...makes me consider the correlation
idk just something i noticed
I feel like it's halfway "child friendly," in the sense autistic people are childlike and porn may be too real for them. And this next bit might be a bad take and false, but I think it also has to do with them lacking cues for degeneracy. Most normal people would think dressing up in Nintendo merch and a fursuit while jerking it to Bowser eating Sonic is not good or normal, but autistic people see pretty colors and operate in a different reality than non mentally ill people. That's why you see autistic people being actually quite hateful towards other groups, they lack the ability to emphasize with other races or non normal people.
But I don't know why furries have a lot of gay people. I think it's a mix of people seeing gays as deviants and then pursuing that as well as being an extremely open community. Y'all are weirdos, but at least you are friendly.
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