Various Incels #crackpot #psycho #transphobia

RE: [JFL] And we are the mentally un stable truth rejecting ones



“Gang of transgender women drop- kicked then stamped on 19-year-old man in Tube attack after he told them they needed to have female genitalia to be women”

How very feminine of them. What absolute nutcases. I have no fucking idea how we are validating this insanity. Literally putting on a weg and a dress and now thinking you're a woman. the craziest part is like half the people are agreeing you are one??? We're even saying men can be pregnant. How insane does all of this sound

That's why they used to be killed or isolated back then, being a tranny is a mental illness.

I still cannot believe this is a real thing. People actually think that a full blown guy who puts on a dress is now a woman. This is braindead liberal progressive thought process at its finest

lmao cant wait for the tranny brawler gangs roaming the streets so i can act like its a zombie apocalypse

thats not very ladylike of them

Faggots should be stomped to death.

come on man, lets not use this word. Theres nothing wrong with gays. at least their whole existence can be proven scientifically through evolution and biological behaviour, unlike trannies, who are just mentally ill and have no science behind their cause



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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