Watching the first week of the Trump Administration reminds me of Star Wars. We survived the Empire Strikes Back and are now seeing the Return of the Jedi. Pretty sure @MarkHamill ain't happy that @realDonaldTrump is the real life Luke Skywalker, but c'est la vie.
Last edited 10:45 AM · Jan 24, 2025 · 38.7K Views
…I mean, I know “misaimed fandom” and “rooting for the empire” are tropes that do exist, and we see plenty of racist fascists like Star Trek unironically, for example, but for the life of me, I just don’t get this.
I mean the Galactic Empire is most blatantly a fascist, dystopian, autocratic, xenophobic, opressive, elitist, tyrannical, genocidal regime that exists only to benefit those in power. It was voted into power by ignorant and fearful citizens. It runs on a wartime economy, has borderline oligarchic corpos as the second most powerful groups there are (next to the Emperor himself), keeps its subjects under control through CONSTANT fearmongering and lies, strip-mines entire nature reserves by taking away their protection, declassified many sapient species/races as “non-sentient” for looking different and giving the Empire an excuse to abuse them, removed all “OSHA” directives in businesses to improve profits and productivity, promoted almost all of its higher-ranked personell based on blind fanaticism rather than any actual merit…
I mean, how in the actual HELL does any of this NOT scream “Trump administration”!? When most people IRL see the Galactic Empire as a warning, your own Emperor Trump is like “Write that down, write that down!”
@Bastethotep #216773
Oooh, ooh, let me guess… Ehm, the immature whininess and tantrums of Kylo Ren, the evil and power and god complex of Palpatine, and the sheer depravity and disgustingness of Jabba?
I don’t know if this is off topic, but s few minutes ago I joined Twitter for the first time just so I could read the replies to this Tweet. I made just one Tweet (Testing 1 2 3) and followed one other account. I have already been locked out. Maybe it was because the account I followed was someone calling themselves Lone Skum?
“Pretty sure @MarkHamill ain't happy that @realDonaldTrump is the real life Luke Skywalker,”
So, Trump’s draft-dodging father was Darth Vader?
Trump might have been better off as an orphan, but your analysis of the story sucks wind.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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