Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
This is an invasion of our Country!

@realdonaldtrump They need to back to where they came from. America for Americans. Africa for Africans. Europe for Europeans. Asia for Asians. Stand tall and fight back!

@realdonaldtrump -- Remember who's allowing this invasion!

@realdonaldtrump Our country has been invaded for at least 20 years. We have to deport them all!! and their anchor babies!!

@TrueDepth @realdonaldtrump longer than that. The real invasion started in 1965 with the Hart-Cellar Act created by Jews to make America more diverse. As far as the souther border, both Republicans and Democrats have contributed. Particularly Reagan giving amnesty to 3 million illegals in 1986 that contributed to several million more later. And Trump signing in a law that protects asylum seekers, coyotes, and family/roommates of the mentioned.

@realdonaldtrump Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Don. You were Commander in Chief of all forces for 4 fucking years and did nothing. It was your duty to stop the invasion completely. You failed miserably! I won't even go into the vaccine bullshit that you spewed. You are one of them, and we all know it.

@realdonaldtrump treason. Pure and simple, and if Republicans do nothing or little to stop and reverse this, they are treasonous too.

@realdonaldtrump The government (leaders) need to be jailed and on trial for treason at this point. They are looking out for the well being or illegals over taxpaying Americans. It's a matter of national security.



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