Jim Stone #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon jimstoneindia.com

Update: Today I am sick as hell and was not able to do anything at all until 2. I gained 2 belt sizes without eating and my heart hurts. I might turn the site over to someone else. At least old reports can be reposted by someone else.
I let a Jew prepare my coffee this morning
It was at a place I go to, I never saw that Jew before. It tasted awesome. However, now I am crashing, everything hurts. Maybe I will update this tomorrow?

Claudia will still need to be taken care of if I crash out, it is taking more and more effort just to type, she will probably need about $2,000 per month to stay afloat well enough to keep the servers going.
During a nuclear weapons/materials sweep of several major cities it was discovered that ALL the Israeli embassies emit large amounts of neutrinos, which means Israel is storing nuclear weapons in their embassies. The strongest signal came from the one in New York but all the embassies have at least something there.

This is not a new topic, it dates back to 2012 and was something that was revealed shortly after my original Nuclear Blackmail report. Nothing has changed, other than perhaps a refreshing of the nukes. If a nuke goes off anywhere (and there are whispers right now from people who are worried), no matter WHO they blame, Israel is the first, second, third and fourth suspect, with Russia perhaps fifth on the list.

My report "Nuclear blackmail" pointed out how Israel has potential troubles with launching nukes due to it´s small geographic size, so Israel went clandestine and is getting their nukes placed by bringing them into various nations disguised as something else. They have probably completed this mission, and are therefore obviously the prime suspects for anything that might happen.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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