Pleiadian Network via GalaxyGirl #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger
We are the Pleiadian Network. We represent our own home worlds within the Pleiades star system network. We number around 100 of your comprehension but we are aware of our multidimensionality so in actuality our numbers are far greater. For this we are not unique within our perspective but unique within yours. But not for much longer for those of you who are ascending within the spiral Merkabah matrices will realize that as with every point of the Merkabah tetrahedral complex there are multiple points of variables that could of course represent a fractalized and different version of reality.
We are the Pleiadian Network. We cannot take full responsibility for your past or your future but we can assist when lovingly requested. You are strong enough for this task. It is imperative that you hold on tightly to this inner knowing for much shaking and confusion will occur. Those who wish to not continue on their ascension path will not. You are creator gods. Your realities shift and spin with each thought, which is why predicting times and dates is unwise. Harness your creator ability with great love and intention. Plant intentions of healing all over your realm. (I am seeing Pleiadians planting neat green rows of small plants on Gaia it the beginning.) Yes, these represent our intentions for purity and growth, for expansion and creativity. Do this now for your own world. (I am seeing that these roots on the small green plants become crystals as they grow deep within creating the crystalline network globally that is now fully turned on. I am seeing these crystals human and spin and glow. Gaia is singing.)