No one has ever observed evolution. A bird that changes its beak size according to what region it is in is still called a bird. There is no proof of it in the fossil record. Just because you see a dinosaur in a fossil it doesn't mean it turned into an elephant or hippo. Where is the record of all the changes that supposedly occurred. THere is none. IF there were they would be in a museum somewhere.
{sigh} They're not willing to consider that some of the transitional forms might well have left no fossils behind at all, are they? Besides, each successive form is only going to be a smidge different from its direct predecessor. There's a reason it takes millions of years for change to become noticeable.
They need to realize that evolution is NOT something along the lines of a chemical reaction...
"IF there were they would be in a museum somewhere."
How do you know? Have you visited every corner of every museum in the world? Have you checked behind every locked door and under every carpet? If you haven't, how do you know they're not there? Huh? Huh? HUH?
Yes, it's the old "atheists haven't searched the entire universe for God" argument in reverse. Ain't payback a bitch?
"Where is the record of all the changes that supposedly occurred. THere is none. IF there were they would be in a museum somewhere."
I nominate this one for the Bulletproof Force Field of Ignorance Award.
I get the impression that if this jerk were hauled off to a museum and brought face to face with the countless examples of evidence for evolution, he'd keep his eyes clamped shut and loudly yell "LALALALA!" in an all-out effort to continue to pretend it didn't exist. Dishonesty is getting to be a competitive sport for these people.
~David D.G.
The proof is merely that a transition between species is the logical conclusion of the genetic and morphological similarities between the relevant species, as seen both preseently and in the fossil records. Oh, and evolution isn't all species transition, so your first example is evolution too, just FYI.
A bird that changes its beak size according to what region it is in is still called a bird.
If a dinosaur that grows feathers is also called a bird why aren't there fossils of half dinosaur - half bird creatures?
Oh wait, there are. Loads of them.
Actually, it was observed. Funny you should say birds. Finches on the Galapagos Islands suffered a drought. The seed coverings were too tough for most of the birds with the delicate beaks. Many finches died. But the ones that survived, their next generation and all those afterward of those finches had heavier beaks able to break through the seed casings. So you FAIL!
"Just because you see a dinosaur in a fossil it doesn't mean it turned into an elephant or hippo."
Thanks for pointing that out. The human race needs intellects as massive as yours.
"THere is none. IF there were they would be in a museum somewhere"
Why capitalize TH? Do you have a lisp?
So, it's not evolution. What is it, then? Adapting to one's environment? But, oh fuck, it's a waste of time to go there.
Has anyone, outside a character in the bible, actually observed your god create anything? Has it been seen, documented, and explained in real time - as it happened?
When you use a lack of evidence for one thing you need to remember that it applies to all. Even your side.
Interestingly we've got a bit of evolution in action in the UK.
Our squirrel population comprises: thenative red squirrel (mainly in Scotland due to competiion from
the grey squirrel, an immigrant from the US.
But whuat is starting to happen is that a genetic variant of teh gray squirrel, the black squirrel, is beginning to diplace teh grey, because it's more agressive. A biological quirk that better suits it fo rthe present environment.
Of course, no fundie would accept this, they'd pull some scam out...
"No one has ever observed evolution."
At least fossils of Archaeopteryx exist. Along with all the other transitional fossils. There's also completely new extant species being discovered. Research on them will open up new vistas on evolutionary science.
Was Creation observed? At least the LHC was built to replicate & observe events just after the Big Bang.
Now produce your God, so we Atheists can observe him. What's that? You can't? Well then. Until you can, God doesn't exist. QED, bitch.
No one has ever observed evolution.
Incorrect. Ever catch a cold? Want to know why you keep getting a cold? Because the virus evolves and changes. The bird's beak is the evolution of a species, not a species 'turning into' another.
Oh yeah, you're an idiot.
I clicked on the link. Mickey apparently lives in Virginia. As freako104 pointed out, there are some great museums in Washington DC. I don't know exactly where in Virginia Mickey lives, so it could be quite a drive, but all things considered, he probably ought to visit DC at some point given that he lives relatively close to it. He really out to visit the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.
And no one, absolutely no one, thinks that elephants or hippos evolved from dinosaurs.
It's the standard fundie line -- demand Zeno's Fossil Record. Sure, we may have found fossils of Species C which is an intermediate form between Species A and Species B; but the fundies won't accept it until we find Species D (between Species A and C) and Species E (between Species C and B). And then when we point out that we have, in fact, already found species D and E, they start demanding that we split the difference again...
"Just because you see a dinosaur in a fossil it doesn't mean it turned into an elephant or hippo."
Well, der, you don't get much do you? If we see a Dinosaur fossil of course it didn't turn into a Hippo, otherwise we'd have a Hippo fossil. Guess what you don't find in the same geological strata as dinosaurs? Why Elephant or Hippos for two or anything in the modern world.
I think you need to search 'Natural Museum' sites for loads of fossil you say don't exist.
"...they would be in a museum somewhere."
Dumbest comment ever. They are. Millions and millions of them. Please, visit a good natural history museum. "Good" means a museum that doesn't have "Creation" in its name.
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