Eugene Gant #dunning-kruger #racist

Of the NFL’s 1,696 players, almost 1,200 are black. If the league mirrored American demographics—blacks are about 12.4 percent of the population—fewer than 215 players would be black. As well, almost 20 percent of the general managers are black, as French admits.

Ignoring the lawsuit’s anecdotal claims and focusing on other figures shows that blacks, relative to their share of the population, are overrepresented in most coaching and management jobs

Now let’s look at some data with which French is surely familiar. Since 2000, cops have arrested NFL players—again 70 percent of whom are black—more than 1000 times. That’s one arrest a week every week for 20 years. This year already, cops have arrested seven black NFL stars [NFL player arrests database: Records since 2000, USA Today.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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