IrishTheFrenchie #conspiracy #transphobia
In getting us to repeat a big lie, the powerful are studying their own influence. Who will comply and who won't?
ABSOLUTELY. Ignore everyone who says you're a "conspiracy theorist" for believing this. Elites DO run the world, they DO run corporations, and they DO gather every year to decide what to do or influence next to make more money. (Bilderberg and Davos immediately come to mind) A good example is fashion, Do you think every single fashion magazine and designer and clothing company decide independently to use the same color and dub it the "hot new color of the year" by coincidence? No. THEY decide what that color will be over a year in advance and send out the word.
"Gender identity" is clearly a religious belief, but how is the religion serving the most powerful?
Without gender stereotypes, how will they sell femininity? (makeup, clothing, jewelry, etc) I also think this about population control- sterilizing youth. And dividing people further (women vs TRAs, black vs. white, right vs. left) because a united populace cannot be controlled and won't do what they're told if it's not in their best interests. They also need us fighting among ourselves so we don't have time to demand politicians answer REAL problems instead of these problems they're forcing on us like bathrooms and girls sports.
I mean, why is it so hard to just be the sex you are and express yourself in ways non-stereotypical for your sex? I mean, really? It must be so hard to simply defy sex stereotypes that it's easier to claim an immutable gendered soul. So, why is it so hard?
Because then you'd be happy and wouldn't need their drugs, cosmetics, medical interventions, lobbyists, fundraisers, politicians...)