Forward In Faith Church International Incorporated and Rev. Fiona Arthurs #fundie #homophobia #quack #magick #sexist

A church body that carries out "gay exorcisms" as conversion therapy and believes in witchcraft is expanding in Scotland after launching its headquarters in Edinburgh

Forward In Faith Church International Incorporated (FIFCII) has bought premises in Edinburgh and has plans to set up ministries in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Fife[…]
Scotland is currently seeking to legally end conversion therapy - that seeks to meddle with any individual's gender identity or sexual orientation

However, as the Daily Record reports, the FIFCII has been accepted by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)[…]
The Pentecostal model church, which has a huge following in Zimbabwe, where it was formed by "Apostle" Ezekiel Guti in 1960 and known as ZAOGA[…]
Its ministers also regularly oversee miracles, which allow crippled people to suddenly walk and all manner of ailments to be suddenly cured at mass evangelical gatherings

Two overseers for Scotland have been appointed - seeking to set up in Glasgow, Fife, Edinburgh and Aberdeen. Premises have already been bought in Edinburgh for a Scottish HQ[…]
The website of FIFCII describes the exorcism of a man possessed by a "homosexual spirit"

One "Apostle's Update" blog post on the charity's website in 2017 describes how the spirit "bound him for many years" but that he was freed during a "miracle night" in St Kitts and Nevis[…]
Another blog entry describes the 'deliverance' of a 14 year old girl in Zimbabwe who was taken nightly to "eat human flesh and drink human blood" as part of a 'witchcraft' ritual[…]
A blog from 2015 praises the deliverance of 17 people in Zimbabwe from "spiritual husbands, bitterness, homosexuality, witchcraft, satanism - to mention a few"[…]
In another blog, Pastor Fiona Arthurs sets out a wife's responsibilities in a sermon titled 'A Wise Woman's Responsibility'

It says sex is "the very reason" for marriage, adding: "When we said 'I do' we were saying 'I do' to his desire for sex



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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