Judith Kusel #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

With the full activation of the New Earth and New Crystalline Energy Grids, the pyramids all over the world and the sacred sites, plus solar flares, and intense and immense energy pouring in from the 7th Central Sun, we are in time of immense changes on all fronts.

I had a geologist the other day, standing with me on my balcony, and then showing me how the hills, across the bay, were depicting where the sea level used to be, and indeed now form the top of the mountains. There are even higher mountains in the distance, but this area, and indeed the whole of what is now the town’s mountains, used to be the sea level.
When you look at all of this, and I have been shown the crystal pyramids under the sea, reawakening and those on land, and many sacred centers, not even known to man. I have written about it, and I have worked with them, and I know. Massive changes are pouring in, as the New Earth’s dimensional frequencies now dissolve the Old. The Old cannot hold form any longer.
Thus, know that what we feel as solid old earth, is not solid any longer. She is now making way for the New Earth and the New Crystalline Energy Grids. I have done enough energy work since 2009, to know this, and I am constantly being shown what is going on.

It is time for where nothing is stable, and all is a huge process of being changed from one energetic form to another.

Therefore, cling onto nothing and no one.

Let go and allow yourself to be transfigured, even as all else is being transfigured.

We are in for intense changes but all good.

I am so filled with joy, and awe and wonder: _ what we have all been prepared for and waiting for so long, is finally happening and manifesting into form!




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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