(Note: Regarding an article of a Christian in a polymorous relationship - this comment is also part of a thread)
Andy Cain: And this is why there are no such thing as "Progressive Christians". They are all unwilling to follow the Word of God's clear teaching of hetrosexual monogamy to not only support homosexuality, but polymory as well.
Chad Hansley: And before you bring up David and Solomon's marriages, these two where clearly condemned for their other wives and conqubines. Everything went wrong for them because they practiced polygamy!
I'm not sure there is such a thing as a progressive Christian (well, maybe so, if either the "progressive" or the "Christian" part is relegated to a very minor role), but yours is NOT the reason why.
Nietzsche considered most if not all progressives to be Christian. Not necessarily as adherents of the Christian religion, but still in full agreement with many of its core doctrines. In that sense, I am agreeing with him.
@Kanna & hydrolythe
Same here; Apart from a few questionable statements, Jesus was basically a Proto-Hippie Socialist and true Christianity is about Love, Forgiveness, Kindness, Charity, Peace and has a pacifist, pro-"Little Guy" bent.
Out of all the Abrahamic Faiths/Scriptures, it's probably the most humane and Liberal.
You wouldn't know it, though, by seeing the antics of "Christian" institutions for the past centuries. I think things started going downhill when Constantine got into the act.
But read the Four Gospels and you'll see that The Nazarene is more on our side than the wingnuts'.
They are all unwilling to follow the Word of God's clear teaching of hetrosexual monogamy to not only support homosexuality, but polymory as well
Those who 'Follow the Word of God': Newt Gingrich. Josh Buggar. Roy Less .
Progressive Christians: Justin Welby. Dr. John Sentamu. Not only are they the most senior clergy in the Church of England, those under them in the House of Lords ensured S-SM became law: thus must be obeyed as per Romans 13:1-5.
Question: Can you guess which of the above still have credibility...?!
Because your country isn't presided over by someone who hasn't repented of his sins: by committing Adultery, and having lewd thoughs about underage girls: whilst already married. Oh, wait...!
I wonder why someone wasn't welcomed to the Palace of Westminster - unlike the previous President - by both Houses: including the clergy peers in the Upper House who, like said previous President who did give a speech there, are Progressive enough to ensure the 2013 Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act became law...?!
It's all going wrong for someone : and therefore those who support them.
Why isn't Gingrich president? Why don't the Buggars still have a multi-million dollar-making TV series?
Why did Alabama ensure Doug 'Piranha' Jones is now in the Senate...?! [/Midterms]
@hydrolythe et al
Well... if you think of "progressive" in terms of social issues alone, perhaps. But when it comes to dealing with reality, there's still that whole god-virgin birth-arose from the dead nonsense. I question how one can believe all that stuff and still know the definition of a "fact", and how they can ever be accepted as, say, jurors or witnesses in court. I'm a scientist, a discipline in which factual evidence is all-important. Not coincidentally, we have very few fundies and a lot of atheists within our ranks. I understand, your definition of progressive doesn't include the progress of technology, but mine does.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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