SJW Leftists always project what they are unto other, whether they are calling their enemies, racists, misogynists, pedophiles, etc. But they are themselves are racists, misogynists, and pedophiles. Remember it is SJW leftists who said racists things about white people and even called for genocide and openly supported racist groups like Black Lives Matter which is the black version of the KKK. It is SJW leftists who support institutionalized misogyny in terror sponsoring theocracies like Iran. And it is the SJW leftists who are the pedophiles for forcing children to watch hardcore gay pornography in schools as part of sex education and LGBTPQ+++ studies and forced them to attend those Storytimes with creepy men in drag who actually flashed their genitals at the kids. And also it is leftists who want all little boys to be like Desmond Is Amazing a boy who is dressed in drag and dances in a sexual manner in gay bars while grown men literally throw money at him like he was a stripper. Just remember SJW Leftists are the ultimate hypocrites, and when they are insulting you with all these labels like racists, misogynists, and pedophiles, they are actually just describing themselves. To get called all these things from SJW Leftists is literally like getting called a pig by a hog.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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