Pavel #racist

RE: Putin Slams ‘Caveman Nationalism’ as Detrimental to Russia

“Caveman nationalism, with the slogan ‘Russia is only for Russians,’ only harms Russians, only harms Russia,” he said. “We must make sure that the culture of every nation, its history, and roots of every nation is respected and honored in our country.”

Disappointing remark from a president I thought was a realist regarding nationalism.

You thought wrong. Welcome to reality. Putin was the guy who crushed the Russian ethnic nationalist movements in Russia in early 2000-s and proceeded to encourage mass colored Asiatic Muslim immigration to Russia from the former Soviet "stans". He also bribed Muslim Chechens and others in the Caucasus region into compliance and allowed them to come settle in large Russian cities. Putin is a sworn enemy of our race.

Chechens are White.

Chechens are not white same way Persians, Arabs, and many light skin Mexicans are not white - they are just not, even if in the US stats they supposedly are. Chechens are of Turkish Asiatic ancestry. They mixed with whites after centuries of battling the Russian empire and history of kidnapping and raping Slavic women, so I would argue that despite some of them look almost white, they are not. Obama has more white in him than an average Chechen.

Just how many muslims and African refugees is Putin importing to Russia? NONE.

Hundreds of thousands are settled in Russia. All those Asiatic Muslims from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and a whole lot of Chechens, Dags and others collectively called "Kavkaztsy" (Caucasians) - non-white low impulse control criminality spreading Muslim tribes like Chechens and Dagestanis (Dags).



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