Various commenters #wingnut

Merrick Garland: "I will not stand by silently when the integrity of the FBI is attacked."

Me: Fuck the FBI. They're literally a domestic terrorist organization, a weapon used against the United State's citizens by the government to suppress and oppress us. The FBI's sole purpose for existence is to make We The People live in perpetual fear and terror, so that we obey this criminally illegitimate government.

I repeat: Fuck the FBI. Everyone who works for the FBI should kill themselves, and thus make the world a better place.

@Nature_and_Race Seriously, why am I supposed to care what this kike that wants us dead thinks? Especially about the secret police which he controls.

@Nature_and_Race Abolish the FBI.
It is a domestic terrorist organization.

@Nature_and_Race At this point, the FBI is the ADL with guns.

@KennyLiquorbush @Nature_and_Race
FBI is now what the KGB and the gestapo was; plus comunists groomers infiltrated in almost all the governments worldwide.

@Nature_and_Race Ditto for the CIA. And the IRS. And the BATF. And pretty much every ABC agency created since Woodrow Wilson.

@sup_kommandant_irusk @Nature_and_Race I was happy when I heard about some CIA operatives dying in Ukraine earlier this year. The lives of these anti-American/Marxist vermin are worthless.

@Nature_and_Race The FBI is a wing of the IDF. Fuck this kike.



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