Charlie Kirk #wingnut

New court documents show that Minneapolis prosecutors strongly opposed charging the three other cops who were with Derek Chauvin when George Floyd died. Several of those prosecutors withdrew from the case over "professional and ethical" objections.

When told there was no valid case against the officers, Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman screamed that his prosecutors were "f*cking this up." Freeman blamed them for ruining his chance at political stardom and later retaliated against the prosecutors.

Then, the Minnesota attorney general — radical Marxist Keith Ellison — stepped in to charge the officers. The case against J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Kiernan Lane, and Tou Thao was political from the beginning, brought to appease a shrieking criminal mob rather than to achieve justice. All three of them should be released immediately.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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