The Left has gone beyond questioning man and are now questioning the will of God. Dangerous and demonic territory.
Well, all your 'God' has to do is argue the toss with us personally, right now: as in appearing to us in physical form to actually do so: if you think it's an issue that's so important to him, especially considering Hosea 13:16.
So why can't he, eh Buboe: or perhaps he daren't precisely because of Hosea 13:16...?!
Setting aside an incoherent conspiracy theorist who has never substantiated their claims and makes outrageous accusations just to be disruptive who supported an attempt to disregard the will of the people and install a dictator saying this…
The inability to question the will of The Man of The Household and reliance that the will of God is to find yourself a Man of The Household to submit yourself to and bear children for that will be indoctrinated into the unquestioning repetition of these beliefs is pretty much the singular recruitment tactic of the political right at this point.
Who are you and what do you want are very dangerous questions to conservatives when the answer is left to the individual rather than have it indirectly imposed that the “right” answer is very singular and the “wrong” answer is an affront to life that should be severely punished until the offender is “corrected” into being as they “should” be according to the model you are not allowed to question.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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