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Blackpill 50% of all german men will never have children [Data]
Here's a graph from wikipedia. It shows childlessness by age and gender:image
There are several information you can extract here:
1) Chad not just fucks but also impregnates more than his fair share, because childlessness for men is always higher than for women.
2) The trend gets worse. Of course, in the age group of 20-29 and 30-39, some people will still have children, and the percentage of left overs will decrease because the older a woman gets, the more likely she is to choose beta buxx, but there's an undeniable trend, though. Additionally, some of the men who say the have children have been cucked, so the true number of childless german men should be two points higher, for german women one point higher.
In the 60s and 70s, people protested for "sexual liberation" etc. Let's say that those who went to these protests were on average 25 years old. From 1968 to 2014 (the data is from 2014), that's 46 years. Add the 25 years and those who went to the protests back in 1968 now show up in the 70-79 year old category. In the 70-79 year old category, there are 0% left overs and 90% of all men had children.
Nowadays, their efforts towards "sexual liberation" have come to fruition, and the percentage of left overs is not 0% but 50%. The old assholes all screwed us. The very patriarchy that they vehemently protested ensured that they got pussy and children. Now, they've succeeded, and most of their own children are either incels or onlyfans-subscribers aka incels in disguise.