peanutbutterjams & auMatech #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut
RE: Most prison rape is committed by women
[Edit: Forgot to add thanks so much for the sources and all the work you put into this!]
She cautions that it would be “misleading” to read the BJS data as “impl[ying] that the abuse of male inmates by female guards is a larger or more serious problem than the abuse of female inmates by male guards.
It's always this. Society can NEVER care more about men than it does women.
The mere suggestion of such a thing to a feminist and they act like you just asked them to eat dog shit. That's how distasteful the idea is, how perverse it is to people who have built a religion around their own victimization.
Men suffering is a threat to feminist power. It shatters the illusion, the filthy lie that Men Are Oppressors and it's this sordid myth that forms the basis of ALL feminist power.
Feminists aren't scared about "the backsliding of women's rights"; they're scared that we as a society might actually start feeling empathy for men as a whole and send their whole Ponzi scheme crashing down.
When surveyors uncover surprising data suggesting that women staff are more likely than men to sexually abuse men and boys in their custody, they tend either to ignore the counter-stereotypical findings, or to reinterpret them in accordance with conventional gendered expectations
This is a key reason why stuff like this is swept under the rug. People are not willing to have their beliefs shattered that women can be active perpetrators of rape, especially when the victims are male and/or criminals.
Thank you for posting this, it's very eye opening.