David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
But you say, surely Billy Graham must be in Heaven! A Christian lady recently said to me, that she has heard countless testimonies from people online, who said they were influenced and saved as a direct result of Billy Graham's preaching. May I say, I do not doubt that some people were led to God through Mr. Graham's influence, and at some point heard the Gospel from some other source and got saved. However, they didn't get the Gospel from Billy Graham, as I just evidenced to you. I have received testimonies from people who were drawn to a religious rock concert, or some ecumenical religious group, as their first step toward the light. But then over time they realized that something was wrong and they sought truth elsewhere, eventually finding their way to a good old-fashioned, Bible-believing, New Testament church. So, an unsaved person may feel drawn to a dynamic public figure like Billy Graham or John Hagee; or a fashionable person like Joel Osteen; or a persuasive man like Pat Robertson. But this does NOT necessarily mean these men are true men of God. In fact, all of these men preach a corrupted plan of salvation that includes works.
It is the same case with the modern Bible versions. I have heard some preachers claim that they were saved from a New International Version (NIV). No, you weren't. The truth is that many of the churches that use the modern corrupted seed, also use the incorruptible seed of the King James Bible (1st Peter 1:23), and so the truth is there mingled amongst lies! In such churches, as would be suspected, some people are saved and most others aren't saved. Those pastors will have blood on their hands for all the souls that spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, because they were deceived and misled by Satan's corruptible seed. Satan knows that he cannot completely get rid of the truth, so he does the next best thing, which is to obscure the truth in confusion. Satan publishes hundreds of English Bible versions to confuse everybody. The churches are confused today. People are confused on what it means to repent. They are confused on how to be saved. They are unsure about what God requires of them to be saved and stay saved. We know that once a person is saved, he is permanently saved and nothing else is required. Once a child of God, always a child of God!!!
I triple-dog dare you (and that's a serious dare!) to show me anywhere in the Holy Scriptures where following Christ is required to have eternal life. I triple-dog dare you to show me anywhere in the Word of God where it says to make a “vow” in order to be born-again. What is Billy Graham teaching: commitments, vows, following, surrendering to Christ? These are not the Good News (i.e., Gospel) of Christ's death on the cross, burial and bodily resurrection, by which we are saved through faith (1st Corinthians 15:1-6; Romans 1:16). I triple-dog dare you to show me anywhere from the Gospel of John, God's Gospel tract (John 20:31), where it mentions anything about making a vow, following, surrendering, or committing yourself to God to be saved!!! No, rather, we are taught to simply BELIEVE (trust) upon the name of Jesus. John 20:31, “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”