I don’t believe in god & I don’t believe you’re a woman 🤷♀️ image
( Maplefields )
If modern Christians acted like TRAs:
Them: join me in prayer.
Me: I don’t believe in god.
Them: how dare you! You’re erasing my existence! I can feel God. Who are you to question my feelings!?
Me: I don’t feel anything. I’ve never seen any proof of God either.
Them: God is everywhere. Everyone has God in their hearts. This isn’t up for debate.
Me: I’m not praying to something that doesn’t exist.
Them: OMG! Genocide of my people! So you’ve chosen unemployment then. Prepare to be cancelled. I’m telling all of social media what a bigot you are and how you want to kill us.
( VestalVirgin )
Them: "You must eat this communion wafer!"
You: "But I have celiac disease, I can't eat wheat!"
Them: "It's not wheat, you heretic! It's the flesh of Christ! Burn the heretic!" * Proceeds to shove the wafer into your mouth while rallying others to build a pyre. *
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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