various commenters #transphobia
Children to no longer be prescribed puberty blockers, NHS England confirms | UK News | Sky News
( Committing_Tervery )
One step closer to this abusive practice being ended completely. I just wish it wasn’t still available in a trial!
( BondiBlue )
Next stop: abolish “social transition,” the gateway drug. It’s a lie. You can be a sensitive boy or a rough-and-tumble girl. It doesn’t make you the opposite sex, and there’s no such thing as “non-binary.”
( Lynch )
Yes the concept of "gender identity" needs to be entirely discredited and discarded. It is upon what the whole gender affirming model is based.
( Wristfevers )
Gender identity concept stems from patriarchy, and needs to be dismantled alongside it.
( Unicorn )
You can be a sensitive boy or a rough-and-tumble girl. It doesn’t make you the opposite sex, and there’s no such thing as “non-binary.”
When my TIF little sister was trying to make me accept her "boy" identity and I kept refusing and pointing out a girl can look and act in any way including how boys stereotypically look and act, she started "teenager whining" and said "but I don't want to be a masculine girl, I want to be a feminine boooyyyyyuhhhhh!!"
Like... what..? You literally can't? Ever? What is even going on at this point?
So I honestly have no clue what kind of lunacy the younger generations have been consuming through the social media and unfettered internet access.
( Arenlaef )
In 2040 when this is all over, I swear to God I will never let anyone forget that people were trying to convince us that being on the right side of history involved drugging and mutilating kids for the crime of being gender non-conforming and maybe gay or lesbian.
( AsterRising )
Vindication at last. I know the battle is far from over, but I'm so fucking proud of the women who were willing to lose everything to speak the truth. Every victory matters, and it's amazing that vulnerable kids will be more protected from this butchery than they once were. I'm waiting for the day we start debating jail sentences for the doctors who committed these atrocities