g0ys.org #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy g0ys.org

(As I mentioned, site is NSFW)


Who says the "AssFuck Act" uniquely identifies the
"gay camp"?

... Almost Everyone ...

Even One of the biggest global customized item printers!

Twice - over a 3 year period, the image above was submitted to the same gigantic printer for production on custom clothing.

The submission was denied by the printer - on the grounds that it was "DISCRIMINATORY".

Not "obscene".

Not "adult".

Not "tasteless".

It is a design that clearly is against the act of (as you can see); --Yet is was deemed "discriminatory" by the printer!

Well ... "WHO" was it allegedly "DISCRIMINATING" against?

I think it's obvious who the "WHO" is - that the printer said the design was being "discriminatory" against.

And we found that decision ASStonishing! Because, it reinforces what G0YS have been saying for over a decade: "The term 'GAY' has come to be synonymous with 'AnalSex". And in a bizarre coincidence - one of the largest mass-customization companies on the planet happens to agree with 0ur ASSessment of the ArseFuck!

"GAY" = "AssFucker"
One of the biggest commercial custom-printers says so!

And THAT is the STIGMA that the GAY COMMUNITY has been willingly ASSociated with.

And that STIGMA is the very ASSociation that g0ys was formed to distance ourselves from!

G0YS have essentially rejected the "A" in gAy. From observation & personal experience, there are more g0ys, than gAys (read that statement a few times) -- and many men who once thought of themselves as 'gAy' are discovering the 'g0y' movement & flocking to it in droves...because it's what they've been all along. Read the e-mail we get here & you'll see this is without debate. The fact that many guys have their first sexual experience with another guy (almost always FROT; --very rarely ever anal,) is evidence to the fact that g0ys are all around us our entire lives (Because if Jonny cuddled you till you came in junior-high, -- he's still able to experience those same feelings today [pay no attention to the camouflage ... eh, - the female, with him now]). It's just that social stigmas against 'gAys' by coincidence, oppress 'g0ys' via those who may not yet be aware of the distinction between men who are tender on men, vs. men who arse-fuck men. Obtuse minds cannot see the distinction, but to those whom it applies, it's as clear as empty space. If disease statistics are used as a measure of morality, - then g0ys are among the most moral segment of the population, while 'gAys' constitute the opposite. Therefore, the "A" in 'gAy' also may mean: "Antagonistic" to life. For those offended by this analysis, I suggest that you consult the CDC-table (right) & argue with it. (Perhaps the figures will change for your whims ;-) 0r N0T!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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