Josh Bernstein #wingnut

The original truth teller has died. The greatest Conservative broadcaster of all time El Rushbo has left us today leaving a legacy that will never be surpassed. Nobody was as intelligent and steadfast in breaking down the psychology of the left than Rush. His fortune telling spidey like sense was unmatched in right think speak. Nobody knew the left's playbook better than him, including the liberals who wrote it. He was our Master General who was just as important to America's freedom and success as Generals George Washington or George Patten were. The E.I.B. is now R.I.P. and every American's life is better off because of Rush Limbaugh. Rush's work now continues as one of God's newest and most important Angels. He will now be tasked with watching over the Country that he loved and dedicated his life to saving. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and everyone whose been influenced, touched by and educated by this incredible patriot who performed daily miracles with half his brain tied behind his back. Rush was the G.O.A.T. of conserve talk and his talent will never be duplicated. God rest his soul..We will pick up the fight from here. Amen.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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