Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #mammon amazon.com
The Trees of Life: Volume One
Have you wondered why President Kennedy was assassinated on Elm Street, and why “Nightmare on Elm Street” has this peculiar title? Ever wonder what the United Nations, European Union emblems and American Seal truly mean? Ever wonder why there is a fountain in Vatican Square and obelisks in most corporate plazas and city centers? Ever question why Jesus was given a crown of thorns or anointed by a beautiful, scandalous redhead? Why did he advise his disciples to be as wise as “serpents?”
Books five and six of the essential Michael Tsarion collection follow “Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology” and “The Irish Origins of Civilization.” Michael deepens his investigation into Symbol Literacy with an analysis of the most coveted and important symbols used through the centuries by the ministers of religion and Masonry.
Along the way we discover the true origins and significance of the New Testament’s Mary Magdalene and Blessed Virgin, as well as other enigmatic characters such as Lazarus and John the Baptist. Michael continues to decipher the origins of Jehovah and Elohim, showing that the worship of these deities was originally based on Druidism and Aryan tree worship. He reveals what Christian mythmongers hoped we would never know about the origins of their religious doctrines and iconography.