TheSpaceDuck #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut

There are no laws directly discriminating against women. There are however, multiple laws discriminating against men. Examples:

Male-only military draft is still in the law

Men raped by women aren't legally rape victims

Men do not have a legal right to genital integrity.

Men have no reproductive rights.

Paternity fraud is legal.

All of the above are examples of direct legal discrimination. The same kind that you only see against women in e.g. Muslim countries. However it gets even worse when we include systemic discrimination. In which case we also find no examples that specifically target women, yet plenty of examples specifically and systemically target men:

Men receive longer sentences than women for the same crime, to the point that gender court bias is 6 times higher than the racial bias. The UN support this gap and judges are directly instructed to be more lenient towards women.

The education system is directly biased against men, creating an unprecedented education gap. Governments have responded to this by removing gender quotas from universities as they would benefit men.

Men are 97% of police killing victims

Police are trained to hide evidence of innocence when men are accused of sexual assault and men accused of these crimes do not have presumption of innocence (both of the above violate the Human Rights Act).

Male victims of domestic violence are arrested more often than the aggressor.

Less than 1% of domestic violence shelters and funding help men despite men being roughly 50% of victims and 70% of one-way domestic violence victims.

Violent crime against male victims carries lighter sentences, effectively encouraging the increasing gap in violent crime and murder victimization.

Again, all of the examples above are exclusively of systemic or outright legal discrimination against men, which are by far the most severe. If I included instances of social discrimination this list would become an encyclopedia.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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