various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
The only logical outcome of diversity is violence.

It leads to nothing else.

London bus driver decides he's had enough cultural enrichment for one day

( @Lycaenops_Angusticeps )
@Nature_and_Race Looking at and listening to those screeching sheboons has ruined my day already.
Another thing I noticed, why do niggers always sound the same no matter where they live?

( @Lycaenops_Angusticeps )
@Nature_and_Race Another thing that I noticed, they also always look the same as well! Americans got ivory coast niggers, but the niggers that arrived in the U.K likely came from somewhere else, yet look completely identical to American niggers. Why?!

( @Jonh_Smith )
@Lycaenops_Angusticeps @Nature_and_Race it's a nigger thing, you wouldn't understand..🤣🤣🤣

( @Lycaenops_Angusticeps )
@Jonh_Smith @Nature_and_Race Are niggers all inbred? Liberals say that "Africa has the most genetic diversity in the world!" but niggers all look and sound the same to me?
I am thinking that the claim of Africa being diverse is bullshit; All of Sub Saharan Africa has less genetic diversity than an ancient Icelandic village!

( @John_Knox )
@Nature_and_Race he should have stomped the life out of the first sheboon before administering more customer service to the next one. White people used to understand proper nigger husbandry but the now the skill is lost.

( @MTSmith74 )
@Nature_and_Race the only answer is violence. It always has been.

( @Natty_Bumppo )
@Nature_and_Race Diversity+Proximity=War

( @WestStadt )

( @DocHeathen )
@Nature_and_Race No matter where they are, even Africa they chimpout even at each other. TNB. nigs gonna nig.



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